Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What's in a name?

Names. What an important aspect of your life. Think about it: the name you are given at birth defines you for the rest of your life. It is what you will always respond to and even possibly get a nickname out of. So why is it so hard to choose the "right" name?! As for boys names, I think we're set. Sean and I decided a few years ago that we liked the name Brody for a boy. It's stuck with us, so that's what it will be. My maiden name is Mitchell, so his name will be Brody Mitchell. If it's a There are just so many girls names I like! The top one on my list is Harper. Now I just need to get Sean sold on that one. We've also liked Brynnly for the past few years, and call her Brynn. However, it seems suddenly out of nowhere everyone is naming their girl that! I have three friends on facebook who have used that name in the past two months. And Betheny Frankel from the Real Housewives of NY named her daughter Bryn. I thought I was the only one for all these years! Sean also likes the name Brecklyn for a girl. I guess maybe it's growing on me. :) I think maybe Breckyn would be better. Decisions, decisions.....We find out on January 19th if we are having a boy or a girl!! We had a sono last week at 8 and a half weeks and got the most precious picture from the sono. You can actually see a head, a little hand waving, and a little foot. It's just so amazing. I feel so blessed and lucky.

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