Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who's in there? And other things.....

So I'm already dying to know who's in there--a boy or girl?! We get to find out the sex of the baby on January 19th--less than two months away now. But I'm just so curious. I have had 4 dreams that it's a boy and 1 dream that it's a girl. I'm not sure why I feel like it's a boy, but that's just my gut feeling. I just hope Peanut cooperates on that day so we know! Thanksgiving is two days away and boy am I excited! I think I'm most excited for some hot turkey and mashed potatoes. Yum! Because it is almost Thanksgiving, here are a few things I'm thankful for this year:
-A nice roof over our heads
-A healthy pregnancy
-Healthy families
-Loving, caring families
-Steady jobs
-Good friends
-Adding a new member to our family in 6 months

Also.....because Thursday is Thanksgiving and I have Friday off work, that means it's Christmas decorating time!!!!! I can't wait to get the tree up and decorated, the stockings hanging from the fireplace, evergreen strewn about the banisters, a nice big wreath on the door, some pretty poinsettias for the table, and some yummy smelling Christmas candles. I know everyone is different, but I don't believe in putting up Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving. There's just something about the day or two afterwards--you have one holiday out of the way, and it's time to move on to the next one. Otherwise I feel like it's kind of skipping out on poor little Thanksgiving. :)

More later!

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