Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, October 18, 2010

That can of Spaghettios was de-lish!

Today when I got home from work, I was starving! So at 4:30 I proceeded to pound a can of Spaghettios. Normally the thought of that wouldn't sit very well with me, but today they were spectacular!
Today has been a good day. Though I was pretty nauseous from about 10:00-2:00, I haven't had any stomach cramping today. That may not seem like a big deal to most people, but I had literally gone 17 days in a row where on and off I got the most horrendous cramps. I can live with the nausea, so if this is the trade-off, I will take it!
I can't believe tomorrow I will be 7 weeks pregnant. It's not that long in the scheme of things, but it's hard to imagine that I found out exactly 2 weeks ago that I was pregnant. In some ways, it still doesn't seem real. Is there really a little blueberry sized baby growing inside of me? Will I really get big? Do I really have to deliver this thing? But most importantly, do I really get to sit in a rocking chair and give kisses and sing lullabies to my baby in 7 months? Wow, I honestly can't wait for that moment.
Well, now it's time to find more food to eat. Hey--I have an appetite right now, I'm gonna take advantage of it. :)

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