Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Preparing for Baby Peanut

We're going to have a little June Bug! My husband Sean and I found out almost two weeks ago that we're expecting our first little baby in June. We had our first appointment on Thursday, October 14th and found out that our due date is June 7, 2011. We are both so excited!! I can't believe how much longer I have, but I've heard it honestly flies by.
We were able to see little Peanut's heartbeat at our appointment and it was truly amazing. What a range of emotions finding out your pregnant is, especially with number 1! The emotion that I've been feeling the most is complete excitement and joy. I'm only 6 and a half weeks along and I already find myself rubbing my tummy and talking to Peanut. :) It's crazy how much love I already feel. But on top of that also come these things called hormones. I'd say I'm already a pretty emotional person, so I've already gotten a little taste of what it's like to suddenly feel.....annoyed! Or angry! Or sad! And for really no reason at all. Well, maybe because I work with the public all day (why are people so rude?! And smelly?!). Today I decided my dream job is to just work in a cubicle all by myself, with no human interaction. Okay, okay, maybe that's a tad bit dramatic, but when you already feel a little emotional, working with all different kinds of people all day long starts to take a toll on you. I've also found that when I find something funny, I find it funny! I just can't stop laughing. :) Which I'll go ahead and say is a pretty great thing.
So I'm a planner. My husband has nicknamed me Planny McPlanerson. I just tell him I like to be prepared. So is it crazy if I'm already thinking budgets, names, paint colors, daycare, savings accounts, etc.? I can't help it though, it's just how my mind works. Some people may call that "being in control", but I think being prepared and ready for anything is the only way to be!! I guess I'm not a "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda girl.
Here's what I've noticed so far in changes in my body and/or appetite. For starters, my uterus is growing. Apparently this is very normal, but also very painful! It's almost like pre-menstrual cramps x 100. It comes and goes, but boy when it comes--it makes it known that it's stretching and growing! When I wake up in the morning, I'm okay. I have no appetite for breakfast (which is bizarre because up until now, I've always been a big breakfast girl). And my morning coffee no longer sounds good, either. I honestly never thought that day would come! But I guess it's a good thing, for both baby Peanut and myself. I wonder if I can wean my husband off the coffee too so I don't have to take the time to make it in the mornings? Hmmmmm. As the day progresses though, I'm H U NG R Y. I'm a beast! A ravenous beast at that. However, my taste buds vary from what really sounds good. For instance, I brought a sandwich to work on Thursday for lunch. When lunch time rolled around, I wasn't hungry for my sandwich, so I went to Mr. Goodcents and got a sandwich there! :) And believe me, it was much better than the one I had brought from home.
Oh, and have I mentioned I'm suddenly sooooo tired? A week or so ago, my mom said, "Just wait, pretty soon you'll start feeling tired on a whole new level from anything you ever felt before." She was right! For example, I went to bed last night at 9:45, woke up at 7:00 this morning, went to work until 12:30, and then napped from 1:45-4:00. And I'm still tired right now! Little Peanut in there makes mommy sleepy!
Well, it's time for some dinner, Peanut is hungry and mommy is on a quest for what sounds good.....until next time!

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