Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It was a wonderful Christmas!

It really was "the most wonderful time of the year". I was able to take a few days off of work to spend some extra time with Chet, Holly, and Lauran this year. I can't believe how big Lauran is getting and how much she talks! :) She is adorable, and absolutely hilarious. We had the whole entire family together, too. Mom, Dad, Luke, Kahlen, Holly, Chet, Lauran, Sean, myself, and of course Baby Peanut. Christmas Eve we spent playing games together and I enjoyed a small glass of red wine.....delicious! Got lots of fun new gifts for Peanut as well as some gift cards, books, clothes, and kitchen items for myself. I did get one present that I'm NOT fond of--A COLD. Ugh. And there's not a lot I can take while pregnant so I guess hot tea and Tylenol it is! We cannot wait for next year when we have an actual BABY to spoil as well, not just one growing in my tummy. We have our next sonogram on January 4th and I'm hoping we will get the confirmation on whether Peanut really is a girl or not. If so.....I think we've picked out her name for sure. I'm trying to decide if I want to keep it a secret until she is born or not. I think that would be fun, but not sure if we would be able to go without slipping up! Hope everyone had a blessed holiday as well.

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